David Salvatori (Italy)
David Salvatori started underwater photography in 2008. His main interest today is around nature photography and conservation issues, to which he devotes his travels around the world.
As an amateur, he spends all of his time off planning and realising photographic expeditions to raise awareness on some of the most endangered species of the planet. He also loves writing articles on his trips, collaborating with well-known underwater magazines around the world.
During these first 10 years of underwater activity, he has achieved many recognitions and awards in some of the most important international underwater photography and nature photography competitions.
In 2015 he has published his first photographic book, “Reflections from the Past”, a physical and personal journey to tell a story about his life experience with water.
데이비드 살바토리(David Salvatori)는 2008년부터 수중촬영을 시작했습니다. 현재 그의 주요 관심사는 자연사진 촬영 및 자연보호 문제이며, 전 세계 여행을 다니며 전념하고 있습니다. 그는 아마추어로서 지구상에서 가장 위험에 처한 생물에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해 사실적인 사진을 찍고 알릴 수 있는 계획을 세우는데 시간을 보내고 있습니다. 또한 세계 각지의 유명한 수중잡지와 협력하여 관련된 칼럼을 쓰고 있습니다.
처음 수중촬영을 시작하고 10년 동안, 주요한 국제적인 수중사진 및 자연사진 공모전에서 많은 상을 받았습니다.
2015년에는 수중활동에 관한 자신의 인생 경험을 바탕으로 첫번째 사진집인 ‘과거의 고찰’을 출간했습니다.
David’s website : http://www.ilmaresonoio.com/
“Punky” sea horse. A Hippocampus guttulatus resting on a fan worm(Sabella spallanzanii). Reggio Calabria(Italy), June 2018 |
Sperm whales(Physeter macrocephalus, mother and calf)
with my wife Cristina modelling between them. Dominica island, January 2014 |
Submerged ruins of a Middle-Age wind mill in the Italian lake of Capodacqua,
April 2013. This picture is in my book “Reflections of the Past”,
a photographic journey in and around Capodacqua lake. |
Back lit batfishes(Platax sp) under the jetty.
Maratua island(Indonesia), January 2011 |
Pink river dolphins(Inia geoffrensis) in Rio Negro river.
The Amazon(Brazil), August 2013 |
Large group of devilrays(Mobula tarapacana) at the surface.
Ambrosio dive site in Santa Maria Island, Azores(Portugal), August 2015 |
Tremble Island, Nakwakto Rapids, Port Hardy(Canada), October 2015.
This is a legendary dive in British Columbia’s backcountry,
which boasts some of the world’s fastest ocean currents,
clocked at a blistering 16 knots. This is the realm of giant gooseneck
barnacles(Pollicipes polymerus), an oversize crustacean found few other
places, which grow in mounds 30 to 50 feet deep here. |
A sea bed completely covered by sea urchins. Simon’s Town(South-Africa), March 2017 |
Common dolphin(Delphinus delphis) chasing a school of sardines and trying
to trap them in a net of air bubbles before setting out for the assault.
Eastern Cape Wild Coast, South Africa, July 2018 |
Under the ice of Sassolo lake. Ticino(Switzerland), July 2013 |