Erick Higuera(Mexico)
Erick has spent many years as a scuba instructor and as videographer onboard the Solmar V exploring the waters of Guadalupe Island, the Sea of Cortes, the Revillagigedo Islands (better known as Socorro's Islands) and the Mexican Pacific, filming and photographing great white sharks, whales, dolphins, sailfish and other spectacles in the deep blue off Mexico's shores. During all this time he has seen how shark and manta populations in the Sea of Cortes have been depleted due to uncontrolled illegal fishing and his film projects that have received worldwide recognition including numerous underwater film awards are now getting local and political acclaim in Mexico to help educate fishermen and school children on the amazing value of their oceans.
Erick has been awarded with the Stan Waterman Award by Beneath The Sea 2013, Best in Cinematography Award by Beneath The Waves Film Festival 2013, Howard Hall Award by Ocean Geographic Pictures of The Year 2013 and with the 1st Place CIMASUB 2013 by the 37th Donostia-San Sebastian International Submarine Film Festival, Award of Distinction - Humanitarian 2014 and Award of Excellence Best Shorts Competition 2014, Honorable Mention BLUE Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Summit 2014 & 2016 and Highly Honored 2014 Nature’s Best Photography. Some of his work has appeared in NatGeo, Discovery Channel and BBC like in the Shark BBC Series (a major new wildlife series on the sharks of the world, from the Arctic to the coral reefs).
Since 2006 Erick has been conducting his own research on photo identification, site fidelity, abundance estimate and movements patterns of the Pacific Giant Mantas (Manta birostris) in the Revillagigedo's Archipelago, M?xico.
Erick Higuera는 바다에 깊은 열정을 가지고 성장한 해양생물 학자이자 수중영상 제작자이다. 지난 수년간 스쿠버다이빙 강사로 일을 해오다 현재는 Solmar V 선상 비디오그래퍼로 Guadalupe Island, Cortes, Revillagigedo Island(소코로섬으로 더 잘 알려짐)와 멕시코 태평양을 탐험하며 멋진 백상아리 사진과 고래, 돌고래, 돛새치 등을 촬영해 왔다. 그러는 동안 그는 코테즈해(Cortes Sea)의 상어와 만타가오리(Manta ray)의 개체수가 통제되지 않은 불법 어업으로 인해 얼마나 많이 고갈되었는지를 보았고 상어와 만타레이의 보호를 위해 만들어진 영상들은 세계적으로 인정을 받았으며 현재 멕시코 어부와 학교 아이들에게 그 가치에 대한 교육 자료로 사용되고 있다.
에릭은 다음과 같은 많은 수상을 하였다.
?the Stan Waterman Award by Beneath The Sea 2013
?Best in Cinematography Award by Beneath The Waves Film Festival 2013
?Howard Hall Award by Ocean Geographic Pictures of The Year 2013
?the 1st Place CIMASUB 2013 by the 37th Donostia-San Sebastian International
Submarine Film Festival
?Distinction - Humanitarian 2014
?Excellence Best Shorts Competition 2014
?Honorable Mention BLUE Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Summit 2014 & 2016
?Highly Honored 2014 Nature’s Best Photography
그의 작품 중 일부는 NatGeo, Discovery Channel에 사용되었고, BBC는 상어 시리즈(북극에서 열대 산호초에 이르기까지 세계의 상어에 대한 새로운 야생동물 시리즈)에 사용되었다. 2006년부터 Erick은 멕시코 Revillagigedo's Archipelago, Pacific Giant Mantas(만타 birostris)의 사진식별, 사이트충실도, 개체수 밀집도 및 움직임 패턴에 대한 연구를 수행해 왔다.
Istiophorus platypterus con Pargo colorado juvenil_Revillagigedo
Roca Partida |
Revillagigedo_Pseudorca crassidens |
Roca Partida, Carcharhinus falciformis |
Roca Partida_Megaptera novaeangliae |
Kajikia audax con Tursiops truncatus_Revillagigedo |
Cabo Pearce_Manta birostris con Holocanthus clarionensis |
Roca Partida_Carcharhinus falciformis |